How will you fare?
How will I fare?
Have you ever explored the ‘Download your Facebook data’ option?
You will be shocked what you’ll find.
Apart from the obvious contents you see daily [friends, messages, stories], you can see every request you ever got or sent, every like, comment, photo upload, tags, pokes, videos, responses, ads viewed. You can even see every search you ever conducted.
How does that make you feel?
Think about it. How much data you’ve released, posted to the world. Is it all joy and goodness?
Data rules our world. It is lucrative business. Every company worth its salt is going after data like a pack of hungry hyenas. For simple reason – to sell better, they must understand the demography and character of their prospective buyers. What better place to find out this information than the internet? Websites install cookies on your phone – track your buying habits, your preferred shoe colour, your dress style, your favourite movie characters – and soon, ads tailored to those exact topics are pushed your way.
Recruiters now turn to private investigation before reaching employment decisions. Companies have been known to thwart recruitment based on what they find. Like being haunted down by the ghosts of your past, posts of yesteryears can be dug up and used against you. ‘The internet never forgets’ they say. Celebrities have lost awards, suffered humiliation, passed through humiliation, based on seemingly harmless posts they made before.
Now imagine life generally.
If it’s true [and we know it is] that every thoughtless deed, idle word, abuse, secret action, you ever did is stored somewhere, and may someday be used to determine your future…
…how will you fare? How do we survive it?
If there were some delete option possible for our acts of the past, most of us would frequent it. But is there?
READ: Matthew 12. 36-37; Luke 8.17
Check out some more of my writing here.
Good and thoughtful.Working out personal salvation and pure relationship in the archives of individual voyage in life………..but mercy may speak……